0.8.8 Early Access

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New Writing - End of Day3 and Most of Day4

There has been quite a bit of new writing this month, as well as a whole host of retroactive script edits. You’ll find the new content at the end of day3 and most of day4.

Various Sprite Adjustments

We’ve made several adjustments to Julia’s sprite and renamed her to Julie (her name sounded too similar to Sylvia and Felicia). We’ve also made some other adjustments here and there.

Scene Select

A rudimentary scene select has been added, which will allow you to skip to a particular day. It’s not very pretty at the moment, but it does work!

With that we’re starting to close in on the end of our first path, though there will be quite a bit more TF before we draw the curtain. Thank you for your support, and see you next month!

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