Version 0.13.5 Update

[NOTICE: Some of the content described in this update are found only in our Early Access version, which is available on our Patreon]

Hi there!

It's another month of updates for Mice Tea both big and small. We've finished work we've had remaining unfinished for some time, as well as all new content we didn't even know we'd be adding until this month! Let's take a look at what you have in store, shall we?

New Background - The Final BG!

We usually don't highlight backgrounds first on these posts, but we thought we'd take the opportunity to highlight the final finished background in the entire game! That's right, there are no longer any sketch backgrounds in the game! There will still be a few tweaks as we add some details here and there, but the backgrounds have become the second aspect of the game to be complete after our soundtrack!

The background Heart provided for us doesn't get a lot of screen time in the game, but it's a pivotal scene that constitutes the first formal heist in the Julie route. Now's a great time to replay the Julie route based on some other details we'll mention later on, so why not give that section a reread?

Thanks so much to Heart for being a part of our team and making Mice Tea the best it can be! Check her out on her Twitter and Patreon for more of her work!

New CGs - New and Completed CGs

The Transformistress has improved our game once again with a new batch of new and revamped CGs. First, all of Margaret's initial, Day 1 Transformations have been shaded, including her micro transformation and its accompanying short end.

Second is a revamped series of CGs for Sylvia's initial TFs on Day 2 of her route. They're based on KD's existing CGs for the scene, but have been substantially reworked and improved. Of particular note is a final TF step that shows Sylvia's tail at its full extent. We even had to rewrite some details in the story to accommodate the size she grows to!

Finally, she's drawn a whole new TF for Sylvia on Day 3 of her path. We initially planned to include only a reskin of her Day 2 transformation, and up to now we've simply shown it with a note on our intention to make an edit. That wasn't good enough for Mira, who drew a whole new CG for the scene from scratch. It's a lovely piece that takes advantage of Sylvia's new sinuous body and the décor of her apartment, and we're sure you'll think it's a wonderful addition.

New Sprites - More NPCs and more Julie Elements

We've reached a small but fun milestone in development with the addition of the final two sprites that appear in the game's demo content. The addition of the waiter and security guard sprites means you won't see any more silhouettes or sketches when playing through our free demo. It'll be a bit before we can say the same for the rest of the game, but for now the demo is a very good view into what the final game will look like.

Also, we've got a whole bunch of new arms for Julie's sprite as well as a new outfit! We've been missing some important actions that get repeated in a few routes, and now that they're included it's a wonder we've gone this long without them. They, along with the new background, make it the perfect opportunity to replay her route and see all the improvements for yourself!

There's also two new sketched NPCs that you'll find tucked away in the Felicia and Sylvia routes. See if you can pick them out!

There's a few other additions like more sound effects and some improvements to the UI for blind players with complete labeling of the interface buttons. But we'll be back next month with even more improvements and additions.

Thanks so much for all your support and we'll see you soon with more progress updates!

***  Click here for early access build ***   *** Click here for public demo ***


Mice Tea - 827 MB
Version 0.13.5 Jul 29, 2022
Mice Tea - 821 MB
Version 0.13.5 Jul 29, 2022
Mice Tea - 854 MB
Version 0.13.5 Jul 29, 2022

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Awesome the game is coming along so well